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About GCCMI - Proposition and Philosophy

GCCMI is a Canadian innovation body dedicated to nurturing the highest standards in the call center industry. Out of GTA, Ontario, it influences and maximizes the talent performance at the call center workplace through maintaining a high level of adoption and implementation of call center best practices, to support standardization, diversity and multicultural norms globally. We are assessors and not a consulting entity.

We, therefore, take a holistic approach towards the global international market. GCCMI provides status and recognition to call centers worldwide by accrediting or assessing call center operation against a set of practical and culture-fit call center management practices: the GCCMI Call Center Best Practices Standard Set (GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900).

GCCMI has conceived and designed a standard set of call center best practices called Global Call Center Management Institute Call Center Best Practices Standard Set (GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900). Once adopted and applied, GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900 offers leading call center sites a blueprint for performance excellence.

GCCMI Proposition

GCCMI offers a standard of management activities designed for recognizing leading call center sites based on mapping a set of best practices to a compliance matrix in a form of an assessment questionnaire. The breadth of our assessment is unrivalled and unique. It is not based on benchmarking data or statistical indicators; just simple management practices across the people/process/technology capabilities.

Based on a set of call center best practices, Global Call Center Management Institute GCCMI assesses the compliance, or implementation degree, of your call center against GCCMI Call Center Best Practices Standard Set (GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900). These practices are simply qualitative management performance statements and not quantitative statistical indicators. We believe that it is the practice that leads to the outcome. We set a leading way that others may choose or would like to follow.
Simply put, GCCMI proposes a set of management practices mapped to a compliance matrix in a form of an assessment questionnaire. Upon achieving 70%+ is the assessment, GCCMI will then issue a declaration of compliance in a form of a certificate awarded to your leading call center site.
GCCMI is a prestigious online Canadian body which will only assess your call center compliance degree against GCCMI Call Center Best Practices Standard Set (GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900). GCCMI is not a consulting body and is not responsible of improving your call center. 

GCCMI would declare your call center site is complying with GCCMI Call Center Best Practices Standard Set (GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900) and will therefore accreditation towards awarding the certification. Your call center will be earning a Certificate in Performance Excellence for the Adoption and Implementation of Global Call Center Management Institute Call Center Best Practices Standard Set (GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900). Certification is by invitation. 

GCCMI Certification is:

  • Simple:           In a complex creation, simplicity becomes of value.

  • Universal:       Fits most call centers worldwide.

  • Borderless       All call centers across continents in Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe,  Australia and New Zealand.

  • Virtual:           There are no paid visits to perform any assessment. No consultant visits for improvement whatsoever. All done online.

  • Focused:         We would only assess your implementation degree to GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900. GCCMI acts only as an assessor.

  • Affordable:      Gone are the days when you spend $50,000 to certify your CC Ops. Certify your call center with GCCMI for a fraction of that amount

  • Methodical:     The GCCMI standard was designed based on the business integration model of the people/ process / technology capabilities. 


GCCMI Philosophy

To certify your site in performance excellence, your call center performance is NOT compared against another set of benchmarked data or compared to any other peer center or even driven by outcome of numbers or statistical indicators. But rather, your call center performs a compliance check against a set of qualitative performance management statements across the eleven call center best practices depicted in GCCMI CCBP-SS 2.900. It is the practice itself that produces the outcome. Numbers are the outcome or the result of a specific set of certain call center management activities. Effective and consistent management transforms these activities in a set of best practices. Therefore, how effective and consistent in adopting and implementing the practice matters more than the outcome, especially post or after those unprecedented times of Covid-19 crisis.

This is GCCMI’s philosophy. In this respect, GCCMI is only an assessor or an assessment body and will not consult or be actively engaged in improving your call center.

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